Online workshops

Welcome my dear friends and lovers of Byzantine iconography!

Since I started to teach Iconography workshops in USA and Europe(2015) I received a lot of invitations to teach in different countries but travelling all year is not possible for me.

With God’s help, in 2018 I started a successful project of teaching Byzantine iconography online. These online classes are bringing together more then 70 students each year.

It is already our 3rd year.

If you are interested in studying Byzantine Iconography with an experienced Iconographer and Theologian, please check the information below.

For more information and even a FREE TRIAL please write me a message to my personal Facebook page

Enjoy the Demo for English and French classes

Learning Byzantine Iconography with the Iconoghrapher Daniel Neculae

Apprendre l’iconographie Byzantine avec le maître iconographe Daniel Neculae

Photo gallery from 2015 in USA


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